
I am offering a 1:1 Mentoring-Programme which is helping you to reconnect with yourself, your soul and discover your true purpose. With the help of this programme, you will gain clarity about your mission, your unique gifts and your plans for the future.

  • Programme over the course of 3 months
  • 1:1 Soulplanreading à 90 minutes, including Audiorecording
  • 11 Sessions with energyhealing and mentoring
  • Each session à 45 minutes
  • Over the phone or via zoom

Over the course of three months, you follow a step-by-step programme and we do 1:1 ThetaHealing® sessions and Mentoring. Sessions can be done over the phone or via zoom, in English oder in German. It works over any distance.

I focus on working with people longterm, in order to reach their goals and create lasting results. It is not possible to book a single session.

If you are interested to learn more about it, please write to:

ThetaHealing® is used to activate self-healing powers. It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.

ThetaHealing is a registered trademark of THINK.